Category "MongoDB"

Top 10 query language for JSON


JSONiq JSONiq is a query language that is outlined for the widely known JSON data model. The most important conceptions of jSONiq were derived from the hard learnt lesson for over 30 years of relational...

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Types of Indexes in MongoDB


Before going in detail about types of indexes in MongoDB let’s talk a little about what indexes does in your database and how it help you to speed up your database search queries. When we...

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Scheme Design Approach in MongoDB


If you come from the world of relation database then you certainly know that the best way to keep your data and design your scheme is to keep them in third normal form 3NF, you...

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on in MongoDB

In MongoDB you must have ID for each collection you create and the data type that you can store in the ID field is limited only to arrays in other word you can use all kinds of data type including timestamp, integer, string and etc. But you cannot use array as your document id as...

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on in MongoDB

Your application always stores the data that is given to it by the user in the memory and then it stores that data to a storage medium device mainly the disk or other type of storage devices, and MongodDB uses memory mapped files as the server cannot stores all its information in the memory instead...

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on in MongoDB

For demo purpose we are going to configure three servers primary, secondary and arbiter servers and we are going to do this in local computer for testing purpose only in real world you need separate servers or you can use virtual machine to use seprate virtual machines for each servers,open command line and paste the...

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on in MongoDB NoSQL

In typical database environment we need to have back up of our database because if we don’t have if in any case our database goes down it will be disaster and typically we have our database back up in a timely interval and then once something goes wrong we restore our data from the latest...

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on in MongoDB NoSQL

It’s normal to run your database in auto mood that when you start your computer MongoDB should run as service in background without even initiating any command line for that, in windows machine which I will be showing you the steps we can do it by installing MongoDB as service but in linux environment we...

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